

录取的学生: Each MBA applicant must submit the following to the Brescia University 入学s Office:

  1. 一个完整的 MBA申请 (网上免费申请);
  2. Official transcripts from all institutions of higher education previously attended; all undergraduate and graduate course work completed outside of the United States must be evaluated by World Education Services (www.韦斯.org);
  3. A transcript showing a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or above for the undergraduate degree;
  4. Non-native English speakers must also submit a TOEFL exam with a minimum score of 100.

The application will be reviewed by the 入学s Committee upon receipt of all required materials. An applicant who meets the above criteria may be accepted unconditionally into the degree program.

Applicants failing to meet the minimum admissions requirements will be considered on an individual basis by the 入学s Committee and the Director of the MBA Program, who may recommend one of the following:

  1. Grant admission as a regular MBA student;
  2. Grant admission as a non-degree student (refer to next paragraph); or
  3. 拒绝承认.

Non-Matriculated (Non-Degree) Students: Non-degree 学生 are limited to a maximum of 6 credit hours of enrollment.

信用转移: Students may transfer up to six hours of credit or two courses into the program. The graduate committee will ensure that the courses transferred are equivalent to Brescia’s MBA courses in terms of content and requirements. Only courses in which the student scored a B or higher are eligible for transfer. Once a student has been accepted into the MBA program, all remaining coursework must be completed within the Brescia University MBA program. Outside courses will not be transferred in after acceptance to the program.

保留: Students must maintain a B average to remain in the program.

学时要求: 30学时(10门课程).